L1686 ISO-HI206 - 3XL-5XL KIT - ISO - (Includes ISO Preferred Hip Brace with Flexion/Extension/Abduction + 2 Belt Extensions). Fits waist size up to 74"

Product Code: ISO-HI206-LARGE-KIT

3XL-5XL KIT. Includes 2 belt extensions (ISO-HI204) to fit up to 74" waist. The ISO Preferred Hip Brace with Flexion/Extension/Abduction: Universal (HI206) supports placement on either left or right side and provides a combination of lumbo-sacral, lower extremity and pelvic control, and hip and femur support using a fully customizable system of adjustments to properly fit specific needs of patient. Adjustments include adjustable adduction and abduction controls coupled with Flexion and Extension settings and internal rotation control. Brace is universal fit at waist with configurable fit at hips using strapping belts, vertical/horizontal placement configuration and adjustable components.

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Barcode: ISO-HI206-LARGE-KIT

HCPCS Code: L1686

Size: 3XL-5XL

Side: Universal

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