L3923 / L3924 ISO-WR333 - XL - Universal - ISO Preferred Thumb Spica I

Product Code: ISO-WR333

The ISO Preferred Thumb Spica I (WR33x) is a hand finger orthosis, without joints which limits the motion of the wrist while a rigid splint/stay on the outside of the thumb gives considerable stability for the Carpometacarpal (CMC) and Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints of the thumb and allows full range of motion for the fingers. The one-hand wraparound design provides ease of use and incorporates a wide hook and loop strap with buckle around the lower wrist for additional stability.

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Barcode: ISO-WR333

HCPCS Code: L3923, L3924

Size: XL

Side: Universal

Brand: ISO Preferred

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