L0639 / L0651 DCT-3951 - Universal - TrendMed Extend LSO

Product Code: DCT-3951

The Trend Extend LSO is a technically advanced modular lumbar-sacral orthosis that stabilizes the mid to lower spine (T9-S1), providing exceptional posterior and lateral support and protection. The weightier Trend Extend anterior panel bolsters stability, optimizing patient outcomes for post- and non-operative patients. The Trend Extend features a revolutionary 6:1 pulley system that provides optimal therapeutic compression and a novel closure system self-adjusts to the patient's unique lordotic curve, enhancing symptomatic relief.

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SKU: DCT-3951

Barcode: DCT-3951

HCPCS Code: L0639, L0651


Side: Universal

Brand: TrendMed

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